Why do business with Todić Luxury?
Among several reasons, the most important is the following:
You do not want to waste time checking out real estate, buyers or sellers.
Our first and main goal is to find you or sell your real estate in a way that will cause you the least amount of stress. Todić Luxury wants you to be completely free of any operative communication, but still provide a complete control over our work. We will tell you about how to achieve the latter when we meet in person.
Todić Luxury is the right choice for everyone who wants to conduct business with the utmost discretion. Upon your request, we can carry out the entire project in total secrecy and solely under our name. Taking care of your reputation is of primary concern to us.
Why Buy at Todić Luxury?
Because you want a lot more that others have to offer. You know exactly what you are looking for. You have a perfect idea of the amount of peace and privacy that you want in your life. You want to know everything about your future real estate: who were the owners, what history it hides and what features its location offers.
You do not want to fidget from one agency to another. You want a trustworthy partner in discussion that will help you reach your goal in a discrete and comfortable manner.
Providing you do not find real estate you were looking for, we shall help you get it anyway. We shall build it for you. We can find and buy you a plot, design and produce documents, built your dreams and hand over the keys – all that for a pre-determined price.
We will help make your dreams a reality with the utmost discretion. Upon your request, we can carry out the entire project in total secrecy and solely under our name. Taking care of your reputation is of primary concern to us.
Why Sell at Todić Luxury?
Simply because you do not want to waste time and wish to have a complete control of the selling process. You will be assigned an experienced agent that knows how to sell luxury real estate. Your real estate will then be photographed by a professional photographer with wide experience that will know how to present your real estate in the light possible. Real estate will then be promoted with a help of special media and web pages, where less prestigious real estate normally do not appear.
If you live far away from your real estate, we can take care of the cleaning and other services that may need to be performed during the selling process for you. That way, future buyers will always find it in perfect shape.
You will not have to deal with nosy parkers. Your gem will be presented solely to verified future buyers that are likely to buy it. The entire process will be executed with the utmost discretion. Upon your request, we can carry out the entire project in total secrecy and solely under our name. Taking care of your reputation is of primary concern to us.
O Todić Luxury
Todić Luxury je vodilna nepremičninska agencija za luksuzne nepremičnine v jadranski regiji. Za svoje odlične stranke prodajamo in kupujemo, oddajamo in najemamo nepremičnine v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem, v Srbiji in v Črni gori. Smo tudi partner velikih investitorjev v luksuzne stanovanjske in poslovne nepremičnine v regiji.
Ste si zaželeli vilo na ekskluzivni lokaciji ob jadranski obali? Bi se radi pred obveznostmi umaknili v skriti kotiček sredi prečudovitih alpskih vrhov? Iščete zaupanja vrednega najemnika za prestižno poletno rezidenco na črnogorski rivieri? Ali pa vas luksuzna nepremičnina zanima kot investicija? V nas boste našli zaupanja vrednega in odgovornega partnerja.
Zagotavljamo vam učinkovito podporo v celotnem procesu iskanja nepremičnine ali kupca/najemnika. Z nami boste povsem razbremenjeni operativne komunikacije, hkrati pa boste ves čas imeli popoln nadzor. Znani smo po diskretnosti, strokovnosti in odlično opravljenih poslih.